The forecasters were correct with their prediction of snow this week. I woke up on Friday morning to a phone call from my friend telling me to look out of my window. In my sleepy state I couldn’t figure it out, but the moment I did – WOW!

My dog, Harvey, had not seen more than a dusting of snow in his life – last January/February we had the smallest amount which lasted all but a few hours. So 6am Friday morning Harvey and I took the streets for our usual morning walk, while I surveyed the streets around my neighbourhood to see if I would be able to drive that morning. Harvey frolicked through the snow, sticking his nose into the cold ground and jumping up every so often to try to catch the falling snowflakes.

He has done nothing but play in it all weekend. He’s sleeping peacefully at my feet as I write this, but all day long he has cried to go back outside and play, as well as watching the children next door play in the snow and make a fuss of him.

All photos on this blog and website copyright of Steph Barry Photography. Do not use, copy or save without permission – contact for further information.


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