Wedding FAQ

March 9, 2016

As another year draws to a close, a new season of wedding bookings looms. January and February are undoubtedly the busiest months for a wedding photographer, with enquiries coming through by the hour, back-to-back consultations to meet all of those potential clients, and gallons of coffee!

So, what have you been asking this year? I thought it would be fun to recap on all the queries, which will hopefully answer questions for many of you booking in 2016 (and beyond!)


  1. How many photographers will be at my wedding? Do I really need more than one?

As standard, our packages include one photographer, me! I also offer the services of a second photographer, very often my lovely assistant Sam, at an additional cost dependant on whether you’re booking a full day (£200) or part day package (£20 per hour). I will honestly advise whether or not I feel that you should book a second photographer at your initial consultation. There are some venues in Swansea and the surrounding areas where, from experience, I feel that you will benefit greatly from having a second photographer. The main venue that comes to mind is Oldwalls, which is largely due to being such a big venue with lots going on. A second photographer gives you another dimension to your wedding photography – while I’m shooting formal photos she will capture candids; while I’m shooting bridal prep she will already be at the ceremony venue taking the groom’s photos. A second photographer doesn’t necessarily provide double the images, but tells the story of your day in greater detail.

2. Do you only shoot weddings in Swansea?

Definitely not! We will shoot weddings almost anywhere in the world. To date we have booked weddings for all of South, Mid & West Wales, London, Somerset, West Midlands, Scotland, Marbella, and Cyprus. Our packages include travel up to 50 miles from Swansea as standard, and any travel further than this will incur a travel fee to cover fuel/overnight accommodation/flights as applicable. If you’re interested in hiring us for your wedding just get in touch to find out how much extra it will cost, if anything.


3. What do you wear to weddings?

Surprisingly, I get asked this all the time! The majority of the time I wear either trousers and a white blouse/top, or I wear a dress (it really depends on how windy it is outside and whether our formal photos will be adventurous or not!) However, I understand that some couples have a slightly different dress-code for their wedding and I’m more than willing to comply with that. I’ve been to black-tie weddings in a formal gown, I’ve been to a very casual wedding in jeans at the couple’s request – it’s your wedding!


4. Have you shot a wedding at my venue before?

Having been in business for over 6 years now, as you can imagine I have been to many of Swansea’s main venues a few times, however even if I haven’t been I always scope out a new location before the wedding so that I know what the venue offers, it’s strengths and weaknesses, and to formulate a back-up plan incase the weather doesn’t co-operate!


5. What if the weather is terrible on the day?

After all of these years in business, I can honestly say that there hasn’t been a single wedding that has had photography ruined by bad weather – which, given we live in South Wales, is pretty impressive! All reputable venues will have somewhere indoors where you can have your all important family and wedding party photos if we can’t go outside. This is usually a conference room or dressing area. If not, then I always have a plan up my sleeve. Sometimes we brave light rain or wait for a break in the weather; other times I will move tables myself to create space around a blank wall where you can have your photos taken. The important thing to remember is that there is ALWAYS a solution. Have faith in your wedding photographer & venue co-ordinator, they know what they’re doing 🙂


6. Do I have to feed you?

No, you don’t. While we appreciate a hot meal on the day, if you are unable to provide a meal please let us know in advance so that we can make alternative arrangements.


7. What will happen if you’re ill/injured/can’t attend our wedding?

Hopefully nothing will happen, however if I am incapacitated and cannot attend, I will do everything in my power to send a replacement photographer out to your wedding. I am lucky to be part of a network of UK professional wedding photographers, many of whom are located in South Wales/Bristol area, who can step in at the last minute if needed. I myself have covered for another photographer in a similar instance when she was hospitalised, allowing her bride and groom to continue their wedding with no interruption.

8. We are bringing our dog(s) to the wedding, is that ok?

YES! I absolutely love dogs, the more the merrier. They can be incorporated into your portraits, or you can book a day-after session if you would like more photos with them without rushing on your wedding day.


9. Can we split hours up on the wedding day so we only pay for the time we need you?

No, unfortunately this is not possible. When you book our services you book continuous hours on the day.


Do you have a question you’d like to ask? Leave it in the comments below, or email it to us


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