He’s a big, strong 3 month old baby now and I may shed a tear or two realising how quickly he’s growing up.
I had all of these plans (and perhaps a Pinterest board…) of images I wanted to take of Oliver…except none of that panned out because being a mum is hard work! The thought of getting all of my photography gear out and set up the studio is always something I’ll do tomorrow, and tomorrow rarely comes. The days pass by in the blink of an eye, a mass of feeding, changing, and running errands whenever he’s not napping, so when is there time for photos?
But I’m trying my best to slot in time whenever I can, and now that he’s getting older and napping less throughout the day it’s getting more and more feasible. So yesterday, I set up my studio and we took just 5 minutes to take some updated photos of him. Are they perfect? No, they’re filled with imperfections because I was rushing, but he’s my baby and they are perfect to me. Becoming a mum to him has completely shifted my perspective of the images I deliver to my clients – shots I may dismiss for being ‘imperfect’ may be perfect for them! Must remember that when I return to work 🙂
Now to just decide whether to print the colour or black & white version for my living room…what do you think?